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Re: Is it wrong to the young students? (誤 人 子 弟)!

PostPosted: Tue Aug 09, 2011 10:00 pm
by yijing
American wrote:Why are you pounding the Western institutions instead of China and Taiwan government?

Every Chinese or Taiwanese has a lifetime to learn their mother tongue. Not a single one of them will truly fail. Even the retarded can get a modest proficiency on the verbal Chinese language. Most importantly, no one will drop out with a broken heart, self-esteem badly hurt.

On the other hand, the dropout rate for American kids from the old school Chinese language program after the first year is over 85%, with the self-confidence badly weakened. Those humility and the sense of defeat of those American kids are caused by American educators’ conscience which does not care for their suffering. Of course, they can be excused if there is no better way, or they are not informed about that better way.

Now, there is a proven better way, and they were informed about it. As this post is on the wide open World Wide Web, they are informed by this post too.

Re: Is it wrong to the young students? (誤 人 子 弟)!

PostPosted: Thu Aug 11, 2011 9:49 am
by papabear
American wrote:Why are you pounding the Western institutions instead of China and Taiwan governments?

After reviewed Gong’s sites, I have found two points about China on this issue.

First, Gong’s book was highly praised by many presidents of Chinese universities. See those praising letters at

Second, China has announced a ten year plan in 2010 to reinstall the traditional character system which was damned as being the culprit for the China’s demise in 1960s. There are at least four news clips about this issue, and they are available at If you are new to Chinese language, you can read a similar page in English at ... ethodology

That is, China is reacting to this conscience issue by having a concrete plan (用 簡 識 繁, writing with simplified while reading with traditional). As a large nation with 1.35 billion people, she must move this kind of major issue slowly. It took over 30 years for launching the simplified system. It will take a bit of time to undo it too.

China cannot escape from this conscience issue of wrong to her young kids (誤 人 子 弟) after Gong’s system is now known.

Re: Is it wrong to the young students? (誤 人 子 弟)!

PostPosted: Fri Aug 12, 2011 9:09 am
by kenny
papabear wrote:
American wrote:Why are you pounding the Western institutions instead of China and Taiwan governments?

That is, China is reacting to this conscience issue by having a concrete plan (用 簡 識 繁, writing with simplified while reading with traditional). ...

China cannot escape from this conscience issue of wrong to her young kids (誤 人 子 弟) after Gong’s system is now known.

Seemingly, there are strong proofs on Gong’s claims. However, I do not think that the Western institutions will care about this issue. Let me make my bet precise.

“Both Dr. Richard C. Levin (Yale University) and Dr. Drew Gilpin Faust (Harvard University) will not care for this educators’ conscience and karma issue, raised on this thread. There will be no action from either one of them on this before the end of this year (December 31, 2011).”

Re: Is it wrong to the young students? (誤 人 子 弟)!

PostPosted: Mon Jan 02, 2012 12:14 pm
by hantze
kenny wrote:Seemingly, there are strong proofs on Gong’s claims. However, I do not think that the Western institutions will care about this issue. Let me make my bet precise.

“Both Dr. Richard C. Levin (Yale University) and Dr. Drew Gilpin Faust (Harvard University) will not care for this educators’ conscience and karma issue, raised on this thread. There will be no action from either one of them on this before the end of this year (December 31, 2011).”

You have won your bet.

However, this is not an issue for betting. I am quite confident that all of them will face up to this issue sooner or later. No one can escape from this conscience issue.