About Yijing (周 易) --- The general discussions

Re: About Yijing (周 易) --- The general discussions

Postby r.green » Tue Jan 24, 2012 10:00 pm

optimax wrote:
More info on this is available at http://www.chinese-word-roots.org/YI20001.HTM

This is an excellent page, but it is all in Chinese. Is there an English page for it? Can someone translate it into English?
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Re: About Yijing (周 易) --- The general discussions

Postby kenny » Mon Feb 27, 2012 10:13 pm

Tienzen wrote:Yet, there is another very important point. Although hexagram system does make contact to the modern sciences (as vector space or cellular automaton), it is not science at all after its choice of associations, especially on its moral choices. Yijing describes a moral universe.

This is the fairest statement that I have ever read. Any saying that the current Yijing is a book of science, comparable to the modern science, will never be accepted by anyone. However, without the King Wen’s association the Trigrams and the Hexagrams with the moral laws, they can indeed be the language for modern sciences. And, I just recently discovered one of Tienzen’s article “Yijing, Wo-Hsing and Modern physics” (at http://www.chinese-word-roots.org/Tao.htm ) which shows that Yijing is indeed in contact with the modern physics. How amazing it is!
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Re: About Yijing (周 易) --- The general discussions

Postby Tienzen » Wed Apr 04, 2012 4:47 pm

mariaC wrote:While I can understand that King Wen divided his universe into 64 dominions (represented with 64 hexagrams), I still am not too clear about how those six yaos of each hexagram to fulfill its image and virtue. Can you give one example on this?

This weekend, I was doing some house cleaning and came across a short handwritten note about Yijing written 20 years ago. It discussed two issues.
1. What is Yijing? 何 謂 易?

2. What is the usefulness about Yijing? “易” 之 用 途!

I think that these old articles can be some helps for mariaC’s question above. They both are in Chinese, and I am copying them below.

A. 何 謂 易?
a. “包 犧 氏” 仰 則 觀 象 於 天, 俯 則 觀 法 於 地. 觀 鳥 獸 之 文 與 地 之 宜. 近 取 諸 身, 遠 取 諸 物. 於 是 始 作 八 卦. 以 通 神 明 之 德. 以 類 萬 物 之 情.

b. 參 伍 以 變, 錯 綜 其 “數”. 通 其 “變”, 遂 成 天 地 之 文. 極 其 “數”, 遂 定 天 下 之 象.

c. 八 卦 成 列, 象 在 其 中 矣. 因 而 重 之, 爻 在 其 中 矣. 爻 象 動 乎 內, 吉 凶 見 乎 外.

d. 書 不 盡 言, 言 不 盡 意. 聖 人 立 象 以 盡 意, 設 卦 以 盡 情 偽, 繫 辭 以 盡 其 言, 變 而 通 之 以 盡 利.

2. “易” 之 用 途!
a. 子 曰, “夫 易, 何 為 者 也?” 開 物 成 務, 如 斯 而 己 者 也. 以 通 天 下 之 “志”, 以 定 天 下 之 “業”, 以 斷 天 下 之 “疑”.

b. “易” 有 聖 人 之 道 四 焉. 以 “言” 者 尚 其 辭. 以 “動” 者 尚 其 變. 以 “制 器” 者 尚 其 象. 以 “卜 筮” 者 尚 其 占.

c. 易 有 “象”, 有 “德”.
“包 犧” 取 “離 卦” 之 象, 結 繩 為 網 以 漁.
“神 農” 取 “益 卦” 之 象, 斷 木 為 耜 以 農.
“黃 帝” 取 “渙 卦” 之 象, 造 舟 車.

又, “履” 德 之 基. “謙” 德 之 柄. “復” 德 之 本. “恒” 德 之 固.
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Re: About Yijing (周 易) --- The general discussions

Postby Tienzen » Fri Feb 07, 2014 10:09 am

太極圖說 is a very importnat extension of Yijing. Authored by 周敦頤




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