The blue ribbon topics and posts

The blue ribbon topics and posts

Postby moderator » Sun Jun 05, 2011 11:58 am

How about the

Searching with the key word (Chinese etymology), ranks above top five. It is managed by Dr. Richmond Harbaugh (Professor of East Asian Languages & Cultures, Indiana University). In this thread, we have showed that the etymologies of that site are sickening wrong.
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Re: The blue ribbon topics and posts

Postby moderator » Fri Jul 01, 2011 9:48 am

What is Chinese etymology?

By searching the key word “Chinese etymology”, Richard Sears’ website always ranks NO. 1. Recently, many newspapers in China reported his work. In this thread, we have showed that Sears' site is not about etymology at all although it has some useful data for the evolution of word forms.
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Re: The blue ribbon topics and posts

Postby moderator » Mon Jul 04, 2011 12:26 pm

Chinese character set is pseudoscience, 汉 字 是 伪 科 学!

In this thread, a group which was led by Dr. John DeFrancis is discussed. The objective of this group is to show that Chinese character system is an inferior language in comparison to the Western languages.

Dr. Unger (Professor, Department of East Asian Languages and Literatures, The Ohio State University) is a key member of this group. In this thread, the Foreword, the Introduction and a webpage of his book (Ideogram: Chinese Characters and the Myth of Disembodied Meaning) were analyzed. The conclusion is that Dr. J. Marshall Unger is wrong.
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Re: The blue ribbon topics and posts

Postby moderator » Sun Jul 10, 2011 7:18 pm

Educators' conscience, wrong to the young students (誤 人 子 弟)!

Is wasting young students' life away an acceptable practice? This issue is discussed at Chinese language forum ( general-discussion/is-it-wrong-to-the-young-students-t36.html ) in detail.

Can educators run away from their conscience? Can educators escape from the law of karma?
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The forum on Yijing (周 易)

Postby moderator » Sun Aug 21, 2011 9:09 pm

The entire Yijing (周 易) both in Chinese text and in English translation is available at this forum at


And, there are some great discussions too.
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Re: The blue ribbon topics and posts

Postby moderator » Tue Feb 07, 2012 9:08 pm

About Yijing (周 易) is the greatest Yijing discuss forum. And, now the mystery of Yijing is no more.

At here, the complete Chinese Yijing and the English translation are available at

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